Wild at Heart

Yesterday I made the comment that the hardest part of growing up is admitting that you’re grown up; however, the one thing about guys is that you can never completely take the little boy out of them. No where is this more evident than a baseball game. At the Rangers game last night, I was amazed at the number of 55 plus year old men that came with their baseball gloves in the hope of catching a foul ball on the first base side.

Perhaps the more amazing thing is that I did not have mine. I would have, but I am not quite sure where it resides after the move. I have to admit that the site of these guys coming to watch the greatest game just as eager to get a shot at a foul ball as a ten year old made me smile. We manage to grow up, but I'm glad that part of us gets to hold on to that little kid inside.

The Yogurt Flavors: Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Toffee Coffee, Toffee Nut, Peach and Very Berry.

UPS was kind enough to deliver the rest of our bagel order today. We now have all of the bagels (Blueberry, White, Onion, Sweet Wheat, Cinnamon and Perfect 10) in stock as well as the English Muffins and Pita bread.

I believe that we have solved our latest problem with the email group. Please check your junk mail as it is coming directly from our IT guy rather than the store. The attachments were left off of the original message, but you should get a second message with the coupons and calendar later today. Thank you for your patience.

September Calendar: (click to enlarge)

Friday Fun Fact: The inventor of Jell-O sold the rights for $450 when the idea flopped. Though Peter Cooper-the builder of Tom Thumb, America’s first steam locomotive-took out the first patent for gelatin, it was a carpenter named Pearle Wait who invented Jell-O by adding fruit flavor to the recipe. Wait’s wife came up with the Jell-O name. But after failing to sell it door-to-door, Wait sold the rights to his next-door neighbor, Orator Francis Woodward, in 1899. Woodward hired a stylish sales force and advertised heavily. Within four years, Woodward was a millionaire. (This fact brought to you by the Fact or Crap daily calendar.)

Happy Birthday Wishes to Dorothy Ann Willis Richards. Mrs. Richards, as you may remember, was the Governor of Texas from 1991 to 1995. Want a free mini (4 oz) yogurt? (Limit one per person.) Give us the name of person who Mrs. Richards defeated in the 1990 election for governor.

The comments have been very light this week. You can tell that school is back in session. If you are traveling for the Labor Day holiday, have a safe journey and enjoy your time at your destination. If you are in town, we will of course be open for Labor Day from 12 PM to 6 PM.


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