We've Tried It.....
I was reading an article in the NY Times about an Indian tribe in Upstate New York. The Tribal Chief was asked why his tribe ran casinos,bingo halls,race tracks and now made cigarettes for income. His response was " We tried poverty for 200 years and we thought it was time to try something else."
The Sugarless deLite point of the day is that eating right or dieting is not "one size fits all" but you need to seek something that will work for you. Many people try Weight Watchers and find it to rigid. Some people can not live on a low carb diet. So Sugarless deLite is the home of "Your Choice" eating plans with the help of our little store. Open 363 days this year. Look for the February 29th specials.
Today's Flavors
Chocolate Decadence,World Class Vanilla,Chocolate Peanut Butter and Orange Vanilla
Blog Special
Cream Pies that are on hand are on Sale for $12.99. Regularly $20.