Thursday- 3 days to Spring Forward- PB 2 Update

Thursday's Flavors-Pistachio,Orange Vanilla,Chocolate Decadence,World Class Vanilla,Grasshopper and Maple Nut

Day Light Savings Time starts this weekend. Spring Forward one hour on Saturday Night

Sugarless deLite is one of the few retail stores to carry PB2 , the low calorie peanut butter substitute. The product has been unavailable since early January. We will be the first store to have it back in stock due to our long standings orders with PB2. Please make sure that you are on our call list to get your product. Sugarless deLite will limit quantities we can sell to one per person to be fair to the waiting list. Thanks

Blog Special

Buy one get one free yogurt. Limit one No XL. Today 11-3


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