Win Free Yogurt-Enter Today

Predict  the first daytime high at DFW from today forward that will be  84 degrees or under and win a Free small yogurt a day for 14 days in a row or receive a $42 yogurt card. You may e-mail your entry  to or better yet post it on our Facebook page (that link is above). You must post before Sunday,August 18 th by midnight. One guess per person and I will use the official high at DFW to determine the winning  temperature.You are predicting which day that the HIGH will be 84 or under .Questions,contact Rick

This is for fun and yogurt.....Normal rules apply.

For Example an entry would be

September  14 th

Today's Flavors

Chocolate Decadence,World Class Vanilla,Roasted Almond, and Pistachio  


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