
Showing posts from February, 2010

Yes ! We are always Open On Sunday

Sunday Flavors Chocolate Decadence,World Class Vanilla,Cappuccino,Peanut Butter,Blueberry Cheesecake and Peach Open Every Sunday Noon-6PM

Blog Returns From Spring Training With Many Blog Specials

Saturday's Flavors Chocolate Decadence,World Class Vanilla, Peanut Butter,Cappuccino,Peach and Blueberry Cheesecake The blog was visiting their daughter in Orlando. Many of you know our daughter Stephanie, who is in school in Orlando studying Hospitality and Tourism. 2009 was a rough year for the economy and Sugarless deLite was no different. Our visits to see Stephanie were cut out as we breathed life into Sugarless deLite to make it through a tough year. With your support and a lot of hard work from our small staff, Sugarless deLite is strong. We did not visit Disney but were in town to see the local coverage of the tragedy at Sea World. You can imagine that any item in the news that could have a negative impact on tourism is very important in Orlando. The other news item that gets top billing is NASA. You might consider a trip to see the Shuttles last flight before the program is over.Worth it!! On a positive note,deals can be had in the " Land of the Mouse". I am glad...

Wednesday-Friday-Store IS OPEN, but blog is on vacation

Blog on vacation. Check the store for flavors. 972-644-2000

Thing that I Could Care Less About

Today's Flavor Chocolate Decadence,World Class Vanilla,German Chocolate Cake,Butterscotch,Banana Cheesecake, and Juicy Raspberry I know that you did not ask but here is my list of things that I could care less about 1.Tiger Woods 2.Michael Jackson 3.Cowboy's Off Season Workout Schedule 4.Walmart 5.The "sad" sorry of crazy people who fly planes into building and kill people that are just trying to earn a living. The crazy people should leave us alone. We want no part of their manifesto. 6.Conan and Jay 7.Michael Jacksons Doctor 8.Texas Senatorial TV ads 9.How much rainfall that we are behind since 1917 Now back to the show....... Blog Special #1 Tell me one item on the above list and get a free small yogurt. 10 am- 4pm. Limit one per group Blog Special # 2 Jelly Belly Bags. Normally $3.29-3.49. Today 2 for $4.99. Limit 4 total bags

Easter is April 4 th- Shop Early beginning March 3rd

So why the Easter update so early ? Due to the down economy many companies are limiting their production of Easter candy that is sugar free and low carb. We will have Easter bunnies,eggs and other goodies in early March. All items will fresh for Easter no matter if they are bought early. Friday's Flavors Chocolate Decadence,World Class Vanilla,German Chocolate Cake,Butterscotch,Juicy Raspberry and Banana Cheesecake. Blog Special #1 Chocolates in Bags on White Rack. Normally $13.85. Today $ 9.99 Limit 2 Blog Special #2 Cone Day . All cones $1.79 plus tax . Limit 2

Is Spring Far Away ? Hope Not

Thursday Flavors Chocolate Decadence,World Class Vanilla,German Chocolate Cale,Butterscotch,Angel Food Cake and Very Berry Blog Special #1 Free Small Yogurt Open until 12 noon. Limit One Blog # 2 Caramels Normally $ 1.49. Today 8 for $9.99- Vanilla,Chocolate,Vanilla Pecan, Triple Treat

Find Eating Gold At Sugarless deLite

Wednesday's Flavors World Class Vanilla,Chocolate Decadence,Butterscotch,German Chocolate Cake,Angel Food Cake, and Very Berry Eating can be a lot of fun when you get things you want at Sugarless deLite. Check out the low carb, Weight Watchers,diabetic,low fat items that make us special. Blog Special # 1 Cone Day Regularly $2.77 plus tax. Today $ 1.79 plus tax Blog Special # 2 Chocolate Cheesecake pieces Regularly $ 4.50 Today $ 2.50 Limit 4

Tuesday -so it must be Belgium or Zimbawbwe

Tuesday's Flavors World Class Vanilla,Chocolate Decadence,Chocolate Cheesecake,Roasted Almond,Angel food Cake and Very Berry Ok, so this would scare me to death, but I would still like to try it. I would definitely like to visit this place if nothing else. This is called Devil's Pool.I imagine because it would scare the you know what out of you. Victoria Falls forms the largest sheet of falling water in the world. The falls are located on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe, and each country offers a national park to help protect its beauty. The falls are between 200 and 400 ft high (60-120 meters) and fall into a single chasm, which makes for some spectacular viewing. Amazingly, in the dry season the current slows allowing for swimming in a small "safe pool" found at the edge of the falls. Blog Special Parfait Day Regularly $ 3.99 Today $ 2.99 Limit 2

Last Chance For Valentines Candy-Snow Day Holdover

Monday's Flavors World Class Vanilla,Chocolate Decadence,Chocolate Cheesecake,Roasted Almond,Angel food Cake and Very Berry If the snow kept you off the roads over the weekend, we will leave Valentines up to let you shop today. Mention you saw it on the blog and save $ 5.00 off any heart box. Blog Special # 1 Cookies Baked in Store Regularly $5.99 Today $3.99 Limit 2 Boxes Blog Special #2 Large Freezers Yogurts Buy 3 get one free. Limit 2 Free. This is $8 worth of free yogurt. The special relates to pre-pulled freezer yogurt and not call ahead flavors.Enjoy. Another great special

Saturday- Valentine's Day is TOMORROW!

For all you married people. If you want to wake up tomorrow with sweets for your sweetie, then today is the day to come to Sugarless deLite and get your Valentine chocolates, baked goods, and candies. Saturday's Flavors Chocolate Decadence,World Class Vanilla,Chocolate Cheesecake,Roasted Almond,Angel Food Cake and Very Berry Open Sunday -Noon-6pm Blog Special Cheesecake Slices Regularly $ 4.50. Today 2 for $ 6.00 Limit 2

Friday- Yes, We ARE OPEN!!!! Valentines are Available

Friday's Flavors Chocolate Decadence,World Class Vanilla,Chocolate Cheesecake,Roasted Almond,Strawberry and Banana Blog Special: Buy One Get One Free Yogurt. Noon- 3:00PM. Excludes XL. Limit one free.

Of Course, We Are Open- Snow , Rain, Dark of Night

Today's Flavors Chocolate Decadence,World Class Vanilla,Chocolate Cheesecake,Roasted Almond,Strawberry and Banana It may snow but we will be here at least until 5PM. Call if the weather gets worst and it starts icing. Blog Special Buy a yogurt. Get a pie slice for 99 cents. Pie slices that are regularly $2.99- $3.29

New Flavor Yogurt- 1 st Appearance Chocolate Cheesecake

Today's Flavors Roasted Almond,Chocolate Cheesecake,Banana, Strawberry,World Class Vanilla, and Chocolate Decadence. Blog Special #1 Buy One get one Free. Yogurt 2-6 Pm Limit One No XL Blog Special # 2 Cream Pies Normally $ 19.99 Today Only $ 12.99 Limit one. No orders. Limited to supplies on hand

Welcome NBA All-Star Game Fans- Check Us Out- We Offer Free Parking

Tuesday's Flavors World Class Vanilla, Chocolate Decadence,Strawberry, Banana, Chocolate Raspberry and Cappuccino People will spend hundreds of dollars on sporting events which is cool if that is what they want ; however really when you were growing up did you believe that someone would pay $70 for a parking space. Back in 1972 the minimum wage was around $2.00 an hour and a 40 hour work week would gross a worker around $80 before taxes. Sorry, Jerry, I will not be visiting Jerry World. I will give the extra dollars to JDF or Red Cross but not you. Blog Special Doubleheader Free Parking and a Free Small Yogurt 10-2. Limit 1 Free Parking and Cake Pieces $5.00 Limit One

Baseball is On the Way

Monday's Flavors Chocolate Decadence,World Class Vanilla,Chocolate Raspberry,Cappuccino,Strawberry, and Banana Blog Special Cone Day . Cone $ 2.08 all day

Saturday- Pick up Your SuperBowl Desserts

Saturday's Flavors-Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Chocolate Raspberry, Cappuccino,Banana and Strawberry. A Quick Announcement for Sunday Hours- We will close Sunday at 4PM for the Superbowl. Have the Perfect Combination of Desserts and Drinks without extra calories, carbs and sugar from Sugarless deLite

Friday-If I Were Going to the Superbowl

Friday's Flavors-Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Chocolate Raspberry, Cappuccino,Banana and Strawberry. SuperBowl Sunday- Ok, IF I were a football fan (not!)and IF I were rich enough to go to the Superbowl in Miami(not!). This is what I would do. I would stay at The Delano Hotel, Miami Beach. Eat dinner and hang out at South Beach. Wait for kick off and head for the beach where I could relax in privacy while everyone else is crammed in a stadium. Just a thought.... Blog Special Buy One Get One Free Yogurt 10 am- 2-pm . Limit One No XL Blog Special # 2 Brownie 2 for $ 4.99. Normally 3.49 each. Limit 4

Thursday- SuperBowl is days away

Today's Flavors-Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Chocolate Raspberry, Cappuccino, Lemon and Marshmallow

Wednesday- Thinking about Superbowl?

Today's Flavors-Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Chocolate Raspberry, Cappuccino, Lemon and Marshmallow You've picked out your seat(even if it's your favorite couch). How about your desserts? Having a Superbowl Party? Well, pick up a cake loaf, pumpkin bread, cheesecake, pie, or any of our delicious freshly baked goods from our ovens. How about some margaritas? Check out our Baja Bob's Mixes. From Martinis, Pina Coladas, to good ole Texas Margaritas; we have all the mixers you need. Blog Special Bagels in Freezer Normally $4.79 Today 2 bags for $5.99 Limit 2 Free Small Yogurt Open until 12:30. Limit One

Tuesday-It's All About Taste

Today's Flavors-Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, New York Cheesecake, White Chocolate Raspberry, Lemon and Marshmallow When you are eating, it is all about taste. So, If you can eat something that is healthy AND taste good, it is so much easier to stay healthier. ENTER... Sugarless deLite... we have the goods that mean great taste and healthy. Check out out website. Just one look and know you can come to our retail store at Coit and Campbell in Richardson, Texas or you can order online. Just follow this link. Sugarless deLite Here's how the other half spend their winters Blog Special $ 5.00 Off a $41.99 Valentine Heart Blog Special # 2 1 Yogurt Cone $ 1.59 plus tax. Normally $ 2.69 plus tax. Limit 2

Frozen Fog ? You Got to be Kidding Me?

The latest way the weather folks try to kill business is through bogus weather alerts. The stations desire for ratings make everyday a potential day for some Warning. The stations can say they issue these warning for Public Safety but they really do it so they can increase ratings. Today was the best...a freezing fog warning. This weather event could cause freezing on bridges as well as overpasses. The warning also provided information that sprinkler water could freezer on the roadway. Friday night we went to dinner at Texas Land and Cattle. The place was empty mainly due to the "icy roads". Weather reports should be helpful to people making choices going out and not always be extreme. The little boy who cried wolf theory applies. When DFW has a real problem who will believe these local weather folks. Today's Flavors Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, New York Cheesecake, White Chocolate Raspberry, Lemon and Marshmallow Blog Special Buy One yogurt get one free 1...