Is Today the Day ?

    The days go by and we always find ways to put of things off until another day. Tomorrow is the day that we will call our friend, dinner with parents will be next week but if not today, when will we do it?

Sugarless deLite is not a diet plan but makes eating right so much easier. We will not be like the stores that tell you to eat only organic or tell you what sweetener to use. Our policy is simple

We will offer our customers the best variety of choices. We will let our customers read the labels themselves. An informed and knowledgeable  customer is mature enough to make  the "Whole" choice on their "Foods". Enjoy freedom of choice at Sugarless deLite.

Specials July 11- July 16

#1 Yogurt Club members get a free small on Wednesday
#2 Eight large yogurts for $27.99
#3 Add $50 to your yogurt club card and we will add a $10 plus a free large yogurt
#4 All Coke products in Coke Cooler are 2 for $2.99. Must request the discount


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