Play Ball Opening Day and Week Long Specials
Enjoy Opening Day at Sugarless deLite
The Rangers are in action on this beautiful Monday afternoon. Sugarless deLite wants to make opening day more special with this offer...
Monday Only- Wear your favorite MLB logo item and get a free small. Limit one person per day. Any MLB team must be a hat or a shirt. No other item qualifies. Monday Only.
Specials April 4th-April 9th
#1 Yogurt club members can get a Free small Wednesday and Saturday
#2 Eight large yogurts for $27.99
#3 Buy a single Coke Product from Coke box for 99 cents
#4 Buy 2 PB-2 of any size and get a free Medium Yogurt
#5 Monday Only baseball special above
#6 If Rangers win on Monday.,Tuesday, April 5 offer. Buy a large and get a second for $1,99 more. This offer can not be combined with offer #2 above.
Let's make it Happen this time