Our Frozen Yogurt Is the Lowest In Calories in DFW and Tastes Great

Warmer weather is a great time for yogurt at Sugarless deLite

March 3-Monday-Buy 3 Carba-Nada Pastas at regular price and get a 4th for 99 cents
March 4-Tuesday-Save $1 each on Each Cake piece you buy,Check out the New Red Velvet Pieces
March 5-Wednesday-Parfait Day-Buy one at regular price- $3.99 and get a second parfait for $3.49. Limit 2 at discounted price
March 6-Thursday-Yogurt Happy Hours.Small yogurts are $1.79.All Day-Limit 2
March 7-Friday-Buy 6 cupcakes and get a Free Large yogurt from freezer . One free with every 6 cupcakes
March 8-Saturday-Tell us you liked us Facebook and get BOGO on Large yogurts. Limit 2 Free

Today's Flavor's

Grasshopper-Mint,Butter Pecan,Chocolate Decadence, and World Class Vanilla  


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