Special Wild Card Day-Read Details Below
Hooray. If you read this daily report, you will see that we finally have the calender link back up online. It says October Calender. As a special bonus we will do a Wild Card day where you may choose any special except the Free Yogurt option for Yogurt Club Cards. You must request the Bonus special to get it and the only way to get it is on Sugarless deLite Social Media.
Cowboy Contest
If you enter the contest this week and the Cowboys win then you will win a Free Medium Yogurt on Monday or Tuesday. If you pick the Cowboy point total right you will win a $25 Yogurt Card. You do not need to get the point total correct to win the Medium yogurt.The Cowboy game is Sunday, October 13 at 7 PM against Washington. So get your guesses in early.
Today's Flavors
Butterscotch,Chocolate Banana,Chocolate Decadence and World Class Vanilla.
Cowboy Contest
If you enter the contest this week and the Cowboys win then you will win a Free Medium Yogurt on Monday or Tuesday. If you pick the Cowboy point total right you will win a $25 Yogurt Card. You do not need to get the point total correct to win the Medium yogurt.The Cowboy game is Sunday, October 13 at 7 PM against Washington. So get your guesses in early.
Today's Flavors
Butterscotch,Chocolate Banana,Chocolate Decadence and World Class Vanilla.
Bagels arrive around 11:30
We have sold out 2 weeks in a row so please shop or call early. 972-644-2000