Monday Mayhem

Yogurt Flavors:


With Brad away, I will take a turn on the blog. I am Rick Merlin who with my wife own this store. Thank you for all your support over the years This August 1st we will begin our 19th year.

We never planned to be in a shopping center with so many new tenants but it appears that we are one of the longest term tenants. People ask me why have we survived and I tell them that we provide great products to a growing customer base. Sugarless deLite provides the best customer service and we sample all the time. The big box stores like Wal-Mart and Target may have the lowest price but they only carry things they can sell quickly. If a product is a slow mover, the big box store stop carrying it.

A customer stopped me at LA fitness the other day and told me that his elderly father had died. He said that his Dad greatest thrill was coming to our store and shopping for candy. His Dad would come in and buy $ 20.00 worth of hard candy and taste each flavor for perfection. Dad had fun. Sugarless deLite had a good customer. What a great thing!! People doing business with real people that know you. So next time you think about the big box stores remember the local folks who know your name and are glad you came. Thanks for the last 19 years and may we have many more serving you.


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