Future Writing

Yogurt Flavors: Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Toffee Nut, and Lemon.

50% off the lowest marked price on all sale rack items. Come in for some great specials on chocolates and candies.

Green Tip: It's best to water your lawn or garden before 8 A.M. or after 6 P.M. Doing so at midday sacrifices as much as 30 percent of your water to evaporation. Avoid watering on windy days, and break your watering into short segments. Lawns absorb water better in three ten-minute spells than in one half-hour stretch. [Brought to you by Page-a-Day calendar.]

I'm away this weekend at the Democratic State Convention, so make sure to come in and keep Rick and the gang company. If I had a laptop computer, I might have actually blogged from Austin. But, I don't. I choose to blog ahead instead. Besides, we might be a little to busy doing the work of democracy for any silliness such as blogging.

Normally I would post a birthday message here, but I didn't really see any good birthdays. If someone has one, feel free to leave a comment. Instead, I decided to go the opposite route and post famous deaths: Reverend Dr Robert Stirling, Patrick Henry, Louis-Joseph Chevrolet, Carl Gustav Jung, and Robert Francis "Bobby" Kennedy,


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