Back to Work

After a nine day layoff due to family, pseudo-illness (allergies) and laziness, I got back into the gym last night. (OK, laziness was the biggest component.) As I was watching the news seeing everything that is wrong with the world because all the good things never seem to get any coverage, I realized that I was putting off my work out again. The proverbial devil popped up on my left shoulder and told me that it was too late (11 PM), but the proverbial angel also appeared and told me that I was being a lazy bum.

Earlier in the year, I would have listened to the devil. The funny thing about it is that the more you listen to the angel the less pull the devil has and the more you can discern the truth from the falsehoods. You begin to recognize that your body's real message is not "You're too tired to exercise." Rather, you know that it is saying, "You're so tired because you’re not exercising." Behold, the truth was the latter. After an hour work out with a 1.5 mile, I felt much better and slept like a log.

The Yogurt Flavors: Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Pumpkin, Marshmallow, New York Cheesecake and Banana.

Today is Shake Day. All shakes are $3.69 (regularly $3.93-$4.62). Suggestions: Pumpkin and Marshmallow or NY Cheesecake and Banana.

The bagels have arrived! We currently have a full stock of all bagels (Blueberry, Cinnamon, Onion, Sweet Wheat, White and the Perfect 10), English Muffins and pita bread. Come in and get these great Weight Watchers® friendly items today.

The poll is back. This week we are checking to see when your holiday shopping will be done: My Christmas Shopping Will Be Done By...

Thursday Motivator:

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.-Albert Einstein


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