The Torch is Passed to a Brighter Future

Today's Flavor
Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Carmel, Mocha, Angel Food Cake and Banana

Today's Special
UTD staff and students-Show your ID anf get a small yogurt free. Limit 1.

Blogger Special
Buy any yogurt and get any pie piece for 99 cents. (Apple, Cherry, or Pecan). Limit one piece per person.

Today in History is Unprecedented

How can we describe this historic moment with the appropriate gravity and celebration that it is due. It is amazing to see witness the excitement and optimism, the unity and the hope that is riding on this inauguration day.

"Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals." Martin Luther King Jr.

Today in America we celebrate.


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