Stock Up Before the Superbowl Sunday-The Odds are in Your Favor!

Today's Flavors
Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Chocolate Malt, Peanut Butter, White Chocolate Raspberry, and Butterscotch

Let the Football Players Score the Points
Whether you are a Cardinal or Steeler fan, you will want to snack during the game. Come check out sensational snacks at Sugarless deLite. The points belong on the field, not on your hips! Let us give you a few 1 pointer snacks to satisfy your sweet spot.

1865 Gen Robert E Lee named Commander-in-Chief of Confederate Armies
1949 1st daytime soap on TV "These Are My Children" (NBC in Chicago)
1965 Pud Galvin elected to baseball Hall of Fame

1919 Jackie Robinson, Ga, 1st black major league baseball player (Dodgers)
1925 Benjamin Hooks, civil rights leader
1947 Nolan Ryan, pitcher (Mets, Angels, Astros) (7 no-hitters, 5,714 Ks)


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