Have Your Pie and Eat it Too. Chase it with a Candy Bar.

Today's Flavor
Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Carmel, Mocha, Egg Nog and Banana

Today's Special
Buy 3 Gnu Bar cases and get a free $15.00 yogurt Card

History was made on this day and Sugarless deLite brings it to your palate. It all started back in 1921, when school teacher and local candy shop owner Christian Kent Nelson was inspired by a little boy’s inability to decide between ice cream and a candy bar. And — Eureka! — the idea for ESKIMO PIE® ice cream bars was born.It was an immediate success locally, and in July 1921.n July 1921 he partnered with Russell C. Stover (the candy maker) to market and produce it and renamed it the 'Eskimo Pie.

So what does this have to do with Sugarless deLite and eating right? I am so glad you asked.If you are watching your calories and fat, we have a combination one..two... punch for your palate. Unlike Christian Nelson, you don't have to angst over ice cream or a candy bar. For 2.4 points you can have both. Have a 7 oz frozen yogurt from Sugarless deLite for 70 calories,(1.4 WW points,6g net carbs, and NO FAT and NO SUGAR. Still wants something? Have one of our chocolate bars-only 1 Point.

Other History Made today

1901 1st games played in baseball's American League
1924-Eskimo Pie patented by Christian K Nelson of Iowa (not an Eskimo)
1939-Eddie Collins, Willie Keeler & George Sisler elected to Hall of Fame
1952-1st NFL team in Texas, Dallas Texans formerly NY Yanks
1973-Warren Spahn is elected to Baseball Hall of Fame
1984-Apple Computer Inc unveila its Macintosh personal computer
1994-Dow Jones closes above 3,900 for 1st time

Neil Diamond, Brooklyn NY, singer/actor (Jazz Singer)


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