Plum Good Time

Yogurt Flavors: Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Chocolate Banana, Butter Pecan, Strawberry Shortcake, and Angel Food Cake.

50% off the Sale Rack. Choose any items off of the sale rack and get 50% off of the lowest marked price.

Green Tip: Many shampoos, including some billing themselves as "natural" or "organic" contain suspect chemicals: parabens, coal tar, sodium laureth sulfate, and many others. Some of these substances are carcinogenic, and though their small doses may have been proven safe, the cumulative drainage is harmful. Look for shampoos that are genuinely free of these ingredients. Some sites to check out for shampoo: (no synthetic ingredients or detergents), (a bar of rosemary-mint-scented hair wash is all natural and also eliminates bottle waste), and

It will be December until we know all of the election results. There are two senate races that will be decided in the next few days. A third one will be decided in a run-off election in Georgia in December. There are a few house seats that still have to be decided as well. By the time everything is sorted out in the house and the senate, most of the cabinet should be in place. The next few weeks should also see a lot of action on this front.

Immediately after completing the grueling campaign season that stretches for 18 months, the winner is faced with the daunting task of governance. Yesterday, I heard that the incoming administration has the responsibility of filling over 7,000 positions. These positions are listed in a book that is called the United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions a.k.a. the Plum Book.

Happy Birthday Wishes to William Franklin Graham Jr. Billy Graham has been one of the most influential evangelical voices over the last 60 years. Starting his ministry in the mid-1940's, he first made national news in 1949 with a revival in Los Angeles that lasted 8 weeks. He has been a spiritual adviser to many of the presidents throughout the years. His mission work has reached over 215 million people in over 185 nations and territories.


Anonymous said…
uh-oh... maybe i need to replace all of my hair supplies with genuine synthetic-free ones.


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