Two Openings

Yogurt Flavors: Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Roasted Almond, Chocolate Mint, Boysenberry, and Egg Nog.

Cake Loaves are on sale! All of our cake loaves are on sale both today and tomorrow for only $14.99 (regularly $19.99). Just ask us for the sale price.

If you're out and about at the new Sprouts opening today, look for a couple of our employees in the parking lot during the afternoon and get a couple of coupons from them for Sugarless deLite.

Not so fun plastic bag and paper bag facts:

14 plastic bags contain enough petroleum to drive a car a mile.
380 billion plastic bags or wraps are thrown away in America each year.
Making a paper bag emits 70% more global warming gases than making a plastic bag.
0 paper bags biodegrade in landfills due to a lack of oxygen.
Cities spend up to 17 cents per bag in disposal costs, wasting millions of tax dollars.
(Brought to you by 1 Bag at a Time.)

The immediate opening of interest of the Sprouts is the more important to the store, but the opening of the new Batman movie is the bigger pop culture issue today. After work Erica and I are going out to eat with my sister and brother-in-law. Then, it's off to see the new film on glorious DLP. I'm very excited about this film. Expect a report tomorrow.

Happy Birthday Wishes to Kristen Anne Bell. Ms. Bell is best known for her excellent roll as the Veronica Mars on the show by the same name. She has also branched out into film most recently staring in the movie Forgetting Sarah Marshall. She is also still active in TV with her roll on Heroes and her narrative work on Gossip Girls.


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