School on the Horizon

Yogurt Flavors: Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Coffee Royal, Butterscotch, Strawberry Shortcake, New York Cheesecake.

Yogurt Cone Day! All yogurt cones are $2.08 today. Just ask for the cone special and save (regularly priced at $2.77).

You can tell by the ads in the paper that the summer time is getting ready to come to a close. Even though most school districts are starting later this year, the stores are already promoting their back to school specials. Of course, tax free weekend is coming up as well (Aug. 15-17). That is a weekend that I can certainly say that I will not step foot in a store other than Sugarless deLite.

The next month or so will see people taking their final vacation. One more quick get away before the reality of the school year and the holidays come around. Even if you don't have children, the time from September until the end of the year always seems to accelerate. This year has already seemed to go by quicker than normal, but I have a feeling that it will speed up as the holidays approach. In the meantime, we've got plenty to keep us busy.

We'll hire on a new staff over the next few weeks as UTD gets back into session. Odds are that you will see new faces to help you while you shop. Each school year brings a few new employees. Be gentle. We're going to add another 3 to 4 to the staff to help out with the fall and the Christmas holiday season which means I'll have a fair amount of training to do.


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