Welcome Weekend

I'd like to thank all of my friends that came over to the new place this weekend. It's great to have a place to call your own and be able to entertain again. Great friends are never to be unappreciated. I hope that you all had some fun. Maybe next time I'll have some Chex Mix or some type of snack item. I'm still trying to figure out this living alone thing for the time being.

I did manage to finish Prison Break on Sunday. Three days 22 episodes. This show is awesome. I'm looking forward to season two which is only one week away. Additionally, Veronica Mars season two comes out at the end of the month so it seems that I will have another marathon of viewing enjoyment just around the corner.

The Yogurt Flavors: Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Chocolate Malt, Roasted Almond, Orange Vanilla and Banana Macadamia Nut.

The Owner's Corner Tip of the Week: We all have foods that give us trouble. In Weight Watchers® this week, our discussion was about "hot" or problem foods. The class discussed bread products and how they are often a problem for many of us. One of the products that I have found very helpful is the Western Bagels and Pitas.

These bread products are excellent one point options with high fiber and great taste. Many of our customers have told us how they have been helped by having a viable alternative for their bread cravings. The best testimony to this is how quickly they disappear from our store once they arrive on Thursday.

Not only are these bagels a fantastic option for breakfast or a snack, but you can also us them to make low point sandwiches to take with you for lunch. The Pita bread combined with a toaster oven and some American Spoon Apple Butter makes a perfect dessert. Moreover the English Muffins can quickly be turned into a personal pizza with a little bit of vegetables, no fat cheese and Turkey Pepperoni.


UnrulyDuckling said…
Scrambled egg burritos and dates in a box served our snacking needs well. Thanks so much for having us over!
SerenitySprings said…
What? There were scrambled egg burritos?? How late were you guys there?

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