C Talladega Nights?

So, I did get to go see the new Will Ferrell comedy this weekend in between unpacking the kitchen at my apartment. I may have been the only one at the theater that was a little bit disappointed, but I did not feel that this was his best work by any measure. The comedy seemed forced at times and some of the situational humor was just uncomfortable. I'm not above low brow humor. In fact, some of my favorite comedies are Animal House, Van Wilder, Old School and those classics from the 80's; however, Talladega Nights just seemed to rely on the crass a little too much.

I didn't leave the theater feeling that I had been ripped off, but I didn't leave thinking to myself that I could not wait to see it again or by it on DVD, which I will not do. Mixed in with some great laughs was a movie that was overly long and overly strained under the weight of its own perpetual stereotypes. It got some good laughs out of me, but it won't get more money. Film Rating: C

On the other hand, what do I know? Talladega Nights pulled in over 47 million this weekend at got a strong 75% Fresh Rating from Rotten Tomatoes. (Side Note: For any of you out there with pirate mania, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest has now grossed $379.7 million dollars domestically and 392 million over seas. Although it might need a little help to make it there, it is possible that the film may make it to the 1 billion dollar mark.)

The Yogurt Flavors: Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Chocolate Raspberry, Caramel, Strawberry Shortcake and Angel Food Cake.

The Owner's Corner Tip of the Week: My Weight Watchers® Leader made the comment a few weeks ago that no one has ever blown their program by tasting one bite of cake or sweets. The problem occurs when we feel that we must eat the first and last bite of the cake. If you want a sample, don't feel bad about trying a bit. Just remember to limit yourself to that one taste. The first bite is often the best bite.


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