Finished...Sort of.

The world's (at least my personal) longest move is complete. This move was long for many reasons and the 6 day time frame didn't help. All that remains now is to get everything put away, the washer and dryer hooked up, the boxes sorted and a few little fixes put in place. I should be truly finished by the start of next week. It is great to have all of my stuff in one place again.

The Yogurt Flavors: Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Pistachio, Coffee Royal, Pumpkin and Egg Nog.

Today we have a great in-store special. All day we will have the Eat Well Be Well product line available for one dollar off. The only thing that you have to do is ask for the special upon check out. This product line has breakfast bars, cereals and instant oatmeal that are all reduced carbohydrate offering and made with no sugar alcohols.

We have received our shipment of Bagels, Pita and English Muffins. We have all varieties on hand (Perfect 10, Blueberry, Cinnamon, Onion, Sweet Wheat and White). Once again we had a very busy week last week with our breads. If you want the best selection, I would try to come in today, tomorrow or Saturday.

We got interesting results from last week's poll. Fall came in as the number one preferred season. Spring surprisingly got no votes. I guess there are a lot of allergy suffers out there. This ones an off shoot of a MySpace questionnaire that was going around: Do You Believe In True Love?

Today's random link: Fun with the Fresh Maker. I'm sure that some of you have heard about this, but I know others may not have. You can make a fountain with Mentos and a 2 liter bottle of cola. This is a fun and relatively safe experiment that you can do with your friends or kids at home. Hope you enjoy.


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