Monday, Monday-It's All Relative to Einstein

Today's Flavor's
World Class Vanilla, Chocolate Decadence, Raspberry Cheesecake, Vanilla Malt, Coffee Royale and Grasshopper.

Today's Special- Brownies- 2 for $5.00 Limit 4

Today in History
1751 1st US hospital founded (Pennsylvania Hospital)
1916 Einstein's Theory of General Relativity presented
1953 Tornado kills 114 in Waco Texas ($39M damage)
1960 Israeli soldiers capture Adolf Eichmann in Buenos Aires
1970 Tornado in Lubbock, Texas

Twister Ravaged Waco 1953- One of 10 worst tornadoes in history.

Lubbock, Texas 1970

claimed 26 lives, injuried more than 500 people and caused more than $530 million in property damage. Struck 20-story building, twisting building, bending it 12 inches from the vertical. The building split the storm in two.


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