Friday- Don't Forget Mother's Day

Today's Flavor's
World Class Vanilla, Chocolate Decadence, Raspberry Cheesecake, Vanilla Malt, Banana, Coffee Royale and Grasshopper.

Mother's Day
Come pick up a delicatessen of choices in chocolates, pies, brownies, cookies,and candies. Come on Mom deserves it.

Today's Special
Brownie Special-2 for $5.00 ( regularly $3.49 each) Limit 4

The Texas Ranger for this week are.....drum roll...cymbal crash

Hank Blalock-has played for the Ranger since 2002. He is the Ranger’s 3rd baseman. His batting average is .245. Don’t expect that gash he got diving for that foul ball in last Thursday’s game to slow this man down.

Scott Feldman has been with the Rangers since 2005. He is a relief pitcher. He had a very strong spring training this year.

Marlon Byrd has played for a few teams. He played for the Phillies 2002 through ½ of 2005 and was traded to the Washington Nationals 2005-2006. He has been with the Rangers since 2007. Marlin has a .330 batting average. He had a great spring training and an incredible start with a sizzling bat for the beginning of this regular season. Don’t be surprised if he puts his name on centerfield for most of this season.


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