The Early Birds Gets...

Yogurt Flavors: Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Pumpkin, Toffee Coffee, Peach, and Very Berry.

Parfait Day! All parfaits are on sale today for only $2.99 (regularly $3.99).

We've got 10 more days to go until orders for the Christmas holiday are due. If you need to order a cake, please make sure that you order early. While we can do cakes for this holiday, we do still get backlogged sometimes. Just give us a call at 972.644.2000 to place an order.

Christmas Order Form: (click to enlarge)

After going to bed at a ridiculously early time last night, I awoke with my wife to cook her breakfast this morning. The only real problem with waking up at 6 AM is that I don't have to get ready for work until around 9:20. Erica left for work at 6:40 and, left with 2 hours to burn, I decided to play a video game. (This particular game is one of the main reasons that I'm so far behind on my TBR list.)

I like playing video games. I love to play them in the evening after a day of work and after my wife has gone to sleep. It's a nice way to relax and unwind from the day's labor. But, I'm unsure about playing them first thing in the morning. I felt like a bum. It just didn't seem right. I did, however, accomplish a thing or two in the game.

I'd love to get Final Fantasy XII finished and then move on to the TBR list, but I think that I should probably just put the game aside and crank out some books. I've definitely put myself in a position where I will not finish my TBR list until the end of January. If I can get through East of Eden, I've got a couple of smaller books that I can crank out. At least I'll have more free time after the holidays are finished.

Comic: (click to enlarge)


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