Still Alive

Yogurt Flavors: Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, German Chocolate Cake, Roasted Almond, Boysenberry, and Banana Cheesecake.

50% off all sale rack items today. Come in and get some great buys on all items on the sale rack. We just reloaded it over the last few days, so you'll find some new things on there.

Green Tip: "Cradle-to-cradle" is a design paradigm that keeps products out of the landfill permanently. It's great to buy furniture made of recycled materials, but in some ways it's even better to buy furniture that can be recycled. The Celle work chair from Herman Miller, for example, is made up of 99 percent recyclable materials, and can be disassembled in less than five minutes.

Do Your Part: At and, check out two furniture manufacturers who have embraced the cradle-to-cradle idea in much of their office furniture.

I managed to survive the Thursday night workout session. I think that I am starting to get a little more use to them. They are still hard and exhausting, but I don't constantly feel near death. I'm taking today off in preparation for tomorrow's PFT. Here are the goals that I have set for myself for tomorrow:

2 Mile Run: 19:59 (sub-20)
2 Minute Sit-Up: 50
2 Minute Push-Up: 33

I honestly think that I can do better than the goal on the sit-ups. I might actually be able to do a little bit more on the push-ups also, but I want to make sure that I have goals that I can reach. The 2 mile run is going to be the toughest part, but this should be a good number. From this week forward, I'm going to try and take 30 seconds off each week until I get to 17:00.

Happy Birthday Wishes to Wayne Mark Rooney. Mr. Rooney plays football for a little club called Manchester United and is regarded as one of the best football players in the world. He has been in the professional level of the sport since the age of 16. He is also currently on the English squad for international play.


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