Laboring Away

Yogurt Flavors: Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Coffee Royal, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Boysenberry, and Strawberry Shortcake.

Cone Day! All yogurt cones are only $2.08 all day long when you ask for our special (regularly $2.77).

We've come to the end of another month, and I am getting ready to make the calendar and coupons for the month of September. I've also got to get the work schedule done for the staff. As I was sitting down to write up the schedule, I remembered that Labor Day is Monday. Sugarless deLite will be open from 12 PM to 6 PM that day, but I won't be here. It's one of my automatic two day weekends that I get, and I always look forward to those.

I think that we are just going to have a lazy Labor Day weekend since both my wife and I are off of work. I'm going to try and get most of the house work done ahead of time. We might be do for a nice dinner date. Either way, it's just nice to have the extra day off.

Usually, the Labor Day weekend and the first weekend in November are the last two weekends that I take off before the main holiday crush. This year there are a few other things on the horizon, like a wedding in October, that will change this up a little. Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to the break on Monday.


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