Bye, Bye Beijing

Yogurt Flavors: Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Coffee Royal, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Boysenberry, and Lemon.

Cake Pieces! Come in and ask us for the special today to get up to two cake slices at 50% off the marked price.

Now that the Olympics are over, I'll have to find something else about which to blog. Sports always make for an easy blog entry. I enjoy most sports which makes them easy to write about. Most of the blogs are really just recaps anyways. Hence, there is little thought about what topic or how to talk about it. I would hate to bore everyone with constant sports coverage, and the writers at ESPN do a better job anyways. So, its back to the boring recaps of my everyday life.

This weekend reminded us that it was indeed still summer time. The heat returned after we had a wonderful stretch of cool, almost fall like, weather. Thankfully, it was not too hot, and the temperatures seem to be content to stay in the mid-to-upper 90's for the next week or so. It also looks like we might get some rain for Labor Day (next Monday). Still, that relief pattern in the middle of August was awesome.

As I was thinking about the cool weather stretch this month, I had this thought: We are only about months away from Christmas. While most people might not give much thought to Christmas until October or November, the retail business has trained me to think differently. In fact, our first shipment of packaging for the holidays will come in within the next 3 or 4 weeks. That also means that it is time for me to start Christmas shopping.


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