Bulky Environmentalism

Yogurt Flavors: Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Mocha, Toffee Nut, Vanilla Malt, and Very Berry.

Cone Day! All cones are $1.85 today (regularly $2.77).

The bagels, pita, and English Muffins have arrived! We have a fresh stock of all varieties of bagels (Blueberry, Sweet Wheat, Cinnamon, White, Onion, and Perfect 10) and both types of pita. Come in and get yours today! Great options for Weight Watchers®.

We also got the LaTortilla Garlic, Onion, Whole Wheat, Sun-dried Tomato, and Rosemary tortillas back in stock. We've been out of these for about a month, but we've got them all available again. This is also a great item for Weight Wactchers®.

We made an excursion to Costco last night to pick up some staples that we were running out of like paper towels and kitty litter. One of the advantages to buying in bulk is of course the price, but it also cuts down on the wast that is generated. In addition, I was very happy to see that Costco is now carrying recycled paper towels and toilet paper. It was almost like a double bonus. So, not only were we able to help the environment, but we also go restocked on the scrumptious sun-dried tomatoes that we were out of. :)

My wife was also kind enough to entertain me by watching the first episode of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. This was one of my Christmas presents that I didn't really expect, however, was very happy to get. I love this show and all of its cheezy goodness. I constantly am amazed at the way that the show captures the weirdness of the 1970's and catapults it to the the 25th century where Earth gets to spread its new found spirit to the edges of the universe. Campy TV at its best which further proves, not that I need it, that my wife really loves me.

Thursday Comic: (click to enlarge)

(Pursuant to the request from serenitysprings for more hippie cred in regards to yesterday's quiz, I hereby award her two bonus hippie points.)


SerenitySprings said…
Thanks for the points!

That comic reminds me of something Zaphod Beeblebrox would say.

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