Going after the booty.

Yogurt Flavors: Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Candy Cane, Egg Nog, Pumpkin, and Marshmallow.

Tonight, we have our buy one, get one free (equal or lesser value, limit one, excludes XL) for our frozen yogurt.

Tomorrow, we have a bonus cone day. All cones are $1.85 all day long (regularly $2.77).

Also, our Pumpkin Pies are $9.99 for today and tomorrow! Come in and get a steal.

Last night, two of my friends hosted a game night at there house. One of the things that I like about playing games at their house is that they almost always have new games of which I have not heard. The game of the night was Loot. This piratical game is a fun and easy game to pick up. Great for kids or kids at heart, you play to capture merchant ships on the high seas. If you're looking for a game for your kids that you might like playing with them, I recommend picking this one up and putting it in the stocking.

Periodically, it strikes me that I am getting older even though I try to fight it. Last night on the way home, I found a new oldness standard: When you know all of the songs on the classic rock station, but less than half of the songs on the new rock station. I realized as I was singing to song after song on the classic rock station on the journey home that, while I have always liked the classic rock station, I now like it much better than the EDGE.


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