Busy Beavers

Yogurt Flavors: Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Chocolate Malt (changing to German Chocolate this evening), Maple Nut, Marshmallow, and Banana Cheesecake.

UT Dallas Day! Show your Comet ID card to get a free small yogurt. Works for students or staff.

We got another shipment of the bagels in today. We've gotten a resupply of all of the bagels. Unfortunately, we did not get in our shipment of whole wheat pita. We will have these in next week.

The countdown: Only Nine Days Left to the Thanksgiving Order Deadline. Call us at 972.644.2000 to get your Sugarless deLite pies, cheesecakes, creme pies or pumpkin breads for Thanksgiving.

Friday in the News: In 2005, the source for Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein's groundbreaking coverage of the Watergate scandal in The Washington Post was finally revealed. The source was W. Mark Felt who was the assistant director of the FBI during the Nixon administration. Felt's identity as Washington's most celebrated secret source had been an object of speculation for more than 30 years. (Brought to you by WWDTM daily calendar.)

Happy Birthday Wishes to Pack Robert "Bob" Gibson. Bob Gibson pitched for the St. Louis Cardinals from 1959 to 1975. He won multiple Cy Young, Gold Glove, and World Series MVP awards. The best pitcher to ever wear a Cardinals uniform, Bob Gibson holds the live-ball era record for the lowest ERA with a minuscule 1.12 in 1968. The 1968 dominating performance from Bob Gibson is considered to one of the main reasons for MLB lowering the height of the mound by 5 inches the next year.


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