Worthwhile TV

Last night a rare occurrence happened, I got to watch a World Series game. My sister abdicated control of the TV to my mother and I after Dancing with the Stars ended. Normally I would prefer to have the TV off, but I have yet to catch a game and St. Louis is my team so it was nice to be able to watch from the 4th to the end. Besides, baseball is the only sport that my mom and I route for the same team.

The Yogurt Flavors: Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Toffee Coffee, German Chocolate Cake, White Chocolate Raspberry and Peach. Today is Cone Day. All cones are only $1.85 all day long (regularly $2.72).

Wacky Photo Wednesday: (We continue the love of Star Wars, pirates and animals.)

Thanks to Holly for the photo find because it made a busy day a little easier. It looks like rain today and for a bit tomorrow, but a wonderful weekend lies ahead.


SerenitySprings said…
That Yoda is tooo cute. Wonder if we could get Sharon to dress Raz up like that?? Probably not since there are so many good piratey dog outfits!

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