She be OK

I did get to see the Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest last night. I seem to be acquiring this bad little habit of going to sold out movies late and having to sit at the front left. Good thing that I was bendy from my yoga outing. I only got a very good view of the left side of the film so I may be a little biased.

The film itself is a fun ride. It is not a great film like the first, but a good film none the less. As I explained to my friends afterwards, the film suffers from the Halo 2 effect. It is the follow up to a very successful first film that people did not have great expectations for. Moreover, it is a film that is used as a bridge to the final installment of the series so it suffers from a bit of a let down ending. The action scenes are over the top as usual and the special effects are something special. The acting is good, but the story doesn't seem to allow them time to bring about greater character development. This is saying a lot since the film is 155 minutes long. I give this film a B with the first film getting an A+. I do feel that the final film will make this one seem better after the trilogy is complete.

The Yogurt Flavors: Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, German Chocolate Cake, Cappuccino, Orange Vanilla and Pina Colada.

Here's a heads up about a change in the packaging of one of our products. The Galaxy Granola company is in the process of changing the bags on their products to reflect the correct calorie information. In the mean time, we have gotten the cinnamon variety in a different bag. The product and size is the same.

This weekend we have a double pie special for you with our Pecan Pies and our pies of the month (Blueberry and Peach) for $14.99 (regularly $19.99). Come in and get some get some pie.

Zinedine Zidane prepares for a corner kick.

World Cup Report: I called it. It is Italy v France for the final game on Sunday the 9th. Today, the game will see Germany v Portugal in the consolation round at 2:00 PM local. We get to see if German has any magic left in its tank. Zinedine Zidane of France will have a wonderful chance to leave his career as a two time World Cup champion. The Italians will see if they can shake off the scandals rocking the Italian soccer federation to win a 4 overall world cup. Experience sides with France, I go with Italy.

The funny thing about soccer is that the players can be carted off the pitch on a stretcher and yet return to play later in the same game. You don’t see that in American Football.

As a final side note, does anyone know what happened on Central last night around 12:30 or 1:00 AM? On my way home from the movie, the northbound and possibly southbound side was shut down at the George Bush Turnpike. This took my 30 minute trip home and turned it into an hour long drive.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend. Next week the Saturday distractions will return to the blog as the World Cup will be over. :(


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