Slowy Upgrading

Tuesdays are typically slower days at Sugarless deLite. After the rush of mail orders on Mondays, the pace almost always seems to be down a notch or two. Of course the advantage to a slightly slower day is that it allows us to work on other projects. I was able to complete several upgrades yesterday for and expect to have these implemented by the end of this week. Over the next few weeks you will notice several more changes.

The Yogurt Flavors: Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, New York Cheesecake, French Vanilla, Pina Colada and Lemon. Today is $3.69 shake day. Every shake is $3.69 all day long. If you haven't tried one yet, now is a great day to get some of the tastiest shakes around.

As I was driving home yesterday, I heard a report about the American auto industry. I believe that most of you are aware of the recent problems that have beset GM and Ford in particular. Many analysts say that the main problem lies in the inability of Detroit to offer a relevant product. Which brings us to Wacky Photo Wednesday:

OK, maybe this would have worked in the 80's, but that thing had better get 40 MPG for it to be a viable option in today's market place.


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