We are Proud to be Rangers Fans

Sports Rant- My Thoughts
Sugarless deLite has always been a lover of the "Great American Game of Baseball" We know that more people in the DFW area probably watched the Cowboys play the LA/St. Louis Rams than  the 4th game of the World Series staring our Hometown team. By the way, this is not a great fact to promote.On "The Ticket" this morning Gordon Keith questioned why this is something that Dallas Fans Boast about. I agree. There is room to love the Rangers and Mavericks. It is not like your wife and a mistress. In this case of sports, you can have many teams you love. Promise ,Jerry Jones will still sell you a Cowboy Jersey for $129.99.

Today's Flavors

Chocolate Decadence,World Class Vanilla, German Chocolate Cake and Lemon

Blog Special

All Large freezer yogurts are on sale for $3.00 plus Tax.Limit 4.


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