"That's One Small Step for Man ...One Giant Leap For Mankind"

In the course of our day, we may forget to take the cleaning,get the milk or G-d forbid forget to eat a meal, yet today is the anniversary of the Moon landing and basically, it has become part of our history......forgotten.

I take a minute to remind you that our country is still great and we do many great things. Let's remember that these great people include our teachers and educators who develop the next generation of leaders. So to honor the teachers today......show us your ID and get a free small yogurt. Tell us that you remember, this day in 1969 and I will up size the small to a medium. Tell me that you were not alive in 1969 and you can buy me a yogurt! Kidding.

Tuesdays Flavors

Chocolate,Vanilla,Egg Nog,White Chocolate Mousse,German Chocolate Cake and Roasted Almond.


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