Other Odd Questions Asked at Sugarless deLite

Thursday's Flavors

Chocolate Decadence,World Class Vanilla,Mocha,Maple Nut,Juicy Raspberry and White Chocolate Macadamia

Upcoming Flavor Changes

Mocha and Maple Nut will Exit Wednesday

Pumpkin will Appear November 20th

Rambling comments from customers of Sugarless deLite.......

I see on your sign that you are open 362 days a year but are you open on Sunday

I know it is calorie free but how much fat is in it(Note Fat has 9 calories a gram)

Didn't you move from the corner by Starbucks. My response " No, we have always been here" Customer response "No,you haven't, you moved. My response..get in fetal position and cry.

Person points to chocolate cake sample that is labeled chocolate cake and asks "What is that?" My response chocolate cake. The person points at the pumpkin bread labeled pumpkin bread and says " What is that?" I say pumpkin bread. They then point at the Lemon cake labeled lemon cake and ask " What is that?" I say white cake (jokingly)They say "why is it labeled lemon cake?" I want to say " So, you can read!"


Perfect 10 Bagels continue to sell out every week. To insure you get some pre-order Thurs-Sunday for the following Thursday delivery.

DaVinci Syrups Root Beer, Peppermint Patty, Peppermint and Pumpkin are back in. Make your own Lattes and save. 50 serving a bottle for $ 9.99 is a lot cheaper that $ 4.50 a cup at Starbucks

By the way, I was looking at the calorie info on some of the new self service yogurt stores. A new one near us has a chocolate flavor at around 40 calories an ounce. Sugarless deLite chocolate has 13 calories an ounce. You judge. Aloha


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