Tuesday- Recession Buster Day

Today's Flavors- Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Chocolate CHip Cookie Dough, and Vanilla Malt.

Today's Special- the mini yogurt 99 cents.

Ok, it is hot out there. For those of you who don't know, I HATE TO BE HOT! Summer is not my favorite time of year. There are several reasons this summer. 1] It is too hot!; 2] going to summer school(enough said). Did I mention I don't like heat? Well, here is a place I have actually been and I was thinking what a great place this would be today.

The Banyas Waterfalls are located in the Golan Heights,north of Jerusalem in Israel. They are breathtakingly beautiful and peaceful at the same time. Even though it has been 25 years, I remember sitting on the grass next to the falls eating lunch and thoroughly enjoying both the food and the scenery. I love the water and there is plenty of it to see in Israel interspersed with the desert. I will mention more great places in Israel I saw throughout these summer months. They are my mini mental vacations.


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