Cupid's Coming Soon-Prepare Yourself

Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Toffee Nut,Caramel, Roasted Almond, and Vanilla Malt

Today's Special
Shake Day- All Shakes only $3.69 (regularly $4.62)

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: Valentine's Day is in 3 days!
Don't disappoint your favorite special one.

Today in History
1752 Pennsylvania Hospital, the 1st hospital in the US, opened
1766 Stamp Act declared unconstitutional in Virginia
1790 Society of Friends petitions Congress for abolition of slavery
1794 1st session of US Senate open to the public
1942 "Archie" comic book debuts
1943 Transport nr 47 departs with French Jews to nazi-Germany
1958 Ruth Carol Taylor is 1st Afr-American woman hired as flight attendant
1961 Trial of Adolf Eichmann begins in Jerusalem
1978 China lifts a ban on Aristotle, Shakespeare, & Dickens
1979 Iran's premier Bakhtiar resigns, Ayatollah Khomeini seizes power
1986 Activist Anatoly Scharansky released by USSR, leaves country
1989 Barbara Clementine Harris consecrated 1st female bishop (Episcopalian)
1993 Janet Reno selected by Clinton as US Attorney General

1921 Eva Gabor, Budapest Hungary, actress (Lisa-Green Acres, Gigi)
1921 Lloyd Bentsen, (Sen-D-TX, 1971- )/1989 Dem VP nominee)
1941 Sergio Mendes, jazz/pop musician (Brazil '66/'77/'88)
1964 Sheryl Crow, vocalist (All I Want to Do-Grammy 1995)
1969 Jennifer Aniston, Sherman Oaks Calif, actress (Rachel-Friends)


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