Enchanted Weekend

Yogurt Flavors: Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Banana, and Pecan Praline.

Cookie Time: Tell us you want today's special and get a Baker's Dozen assorted cookie box for only $12.99 (regularly $16.99).

Our yogurt machine seems to really be enjoying its vacation, but we do expect it to report back to work by the end of this week.

I hope that everyone had a happy Mother's Day. We were pretty busy in the store last week getting orders together and sending them out. Thankfully, I was able to get in some good old-fashioned rest and relaxation this weekend. We didn't go to see my in-laws, so we just kind of lounged around on Sunday.

We did some lounging on Saturday night too. We sat down and watched Enchanted. This is one good Disney film. If you are looking for something for the whole family, I would recommend this as a rental anytime. Starting out as an animated film, it makes its way into the physical realm by way of a little magic of course. We follow the journey of Giselle as she fights to find her way back to her homeland and her one true love.

If it sounds a bit corny, it is. And, this is part of the reason why this film works so well. Disney never takes itself to seriously in the movie. In jokes combined with homages to the past abound. If you are a fan of classic Disney films, you will love these nuggets. The story is a storybook with a twist. The twist makes it a refreshing option for those looking to step beyond the traditional happily ever after.

With a mix of some good quality acting, over the top character that work because the are meant to be characters, and some catchy tunes, this film is sure to please most of the family. The short running time, 1 hour and 37 minutes, also makes it a easy watch for those with short attention spans. Movie Rating: 4 out of 5. (Almost a classic in its own right.)


Steph said…
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Steph said…
I hope I can be as amazingly cool as Giselle some day :)
SerenitySprings said…
We haven't seen that one yet but I think I'll Netflix it for us. We watch all kinds of movies but not too many fairy tales. Should be interesting to watch David's reaction!

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