Self Inflicted

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I ended what was otherwise a relaxing evening by giving myself two injuries within 15 hours. Since I'm normally pretty good at avoiding damage, they came as a surprise. The first was a minor cut with a knife that I got on my finger while I was preparing diner. Knife cuts are never a good thing but, properly cleaned, they are minor. The second, however, was even dumber.

I awoke this morning to a very cold apartment. Normally I would love it this way, but we just moved our heavy blankets into storage for the summer last week. Thus, I woke up much colder then I otherwise would have been. But the coldness was only one factor in my numb awakening this morning. The much bigger factor was the loud car crash that took place right outside the front window.

Hearing a loud screech and the blast of a horn, I heard the dead crumpling sound of metal hitting metal. Dazed but with adrenaline flowing, I came to the conclusion that it was not a dream and jumped from bed to look out the window to see if the wreck was viewable. There, just 20 feet from my front door, was a white Chevy Malibu that had been T-boned by smaller SUV. Once I saw that both parties to the accident were alright, calm, and beginning to contact insurance providers, I went back to catch another hour or so of sleep.

This was where the cold combined with the sudden jolt of early morning adrenaline came into play. My feet were freezing, so I adjusted some blankets to cover up more efficiently. Somehow, I managed to cut myself by catching my thumbnail against the side of my nose while pulling the covers up. But the damaged wasn't fully assessed until I awoke from my second slumber this morning. I guess if it scars, I'll always have a funny story.

Puzzler: Lost Letters-Can you find another word, besides DELUXE, that contains the black letter tiles in exactly the same places?


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