Two Down

Yogurt Flavors: Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Butter Pecan, Chocolate Raspberry, Raspberry Cheesecake, and Boysenberry.

Pumpkin Bread Day! All pumpkin breads are $14.99 today. Try a sample and find yourself won over to our number one selling bread loaf.

Do you want free stuff from Sugarless deLite? Each year, Rick is kind enough to sponsor a friendly March Madness basketball tournament for the store employees. This year, he is going to extend the offer to you, our customers. If you have never played, you simply pick the teams in the brackets that you think are going to win all the way down to the national champion. Here are the rules to follow:

1. A link to the bracket will be posted on the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday blog. Print the bracket out and fill it in with your selected teams.

3. Write your name and your phone number on the bracket sheet.

4. Turn in your selections no later than 8 PM on Wednesday evening.

What you get:

1. Everyone that turns in a bracket will get a free small yogurt. (Available only at the time that you turn the bracket in to us.)

2. The first place winner will get a 20 dollar gift card to Sugarless deLite. The second place winner will get a 15 dollar gift card to Sugarless deLite. The last place loser will get a 10 dollar gift card to Sugarless deLite.

I knocked out another book on the TBR list the other night. I finished reading Children of God by Mary Doria Russell. This follow up book to The Sparrow is a continuation of the story of Emilio Sandoz and his journey back to the planet Rakhat. Well written, this book is a good read and follow up to the original. However, Children of God does not have the same intensity of the original and several of the twists seem forced rather than the natural course that The Sparrow carves.

Ultimately, what makes The Sparrow such a force of literary power is the moral turmoil that is experienced by both the protagonist and the antagonists. The weight of this turmoil can, at times, be crushing. In Children of God, we are asked to carry this weight again; however, it is not as real and not omnipresent. There are moments where you know that you are reading a book, rather than looking into the souls of others.

As a follow up to a truly fantastic book, it does a good job of holding its own. Nevertheless, it suffers from a comparison that is bound to be made by each reader of the original. Some of the characters seem more shallow and more like place holders or plot movers. The ending has a duality to it that, while it does not leave a bad taste in the mouth, does not leave the readers imagination running. My recommendation would be to definitely read The Sparrow, then to make the decision about whether or not you would like to continue your journey with Children of God. It is not a necessary journey to make, but it is not a bad one on which to travel either.


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