A World Without End

Yogurt Flavors: Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Chocolate Raspberry, Pecan Praline, Orange Vanilla and Pina Colada.

Today, we have all of the items on the Sale Rack for 50% off the lowest marked price. Come and get some great savings.

Movie Review: The day of the pirate has come and gone and the voyages of Capitan Jack Sparrow and his crew have reach and end...or have they? After a near three hour affair of computer graphic driven story lines, Jerry Bruckheimer's trademarked big action sequences and more than a handful of new character introductions, we're left with this: We may not have seen the last of Capitan Jack Sparrow.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End is a fun film. It is not great. It is not as witty as the first installment. It is not something that I will rave about; however, it is a fun film that once again manages to make the 2 hour and 48 minutes seem like 2 hours. It has some wonderful in jokes and pop culture references and does a decent job of bring the trilogy to a close if not an end. At the heart of it, there is once again to much action and not quite enough acting. If you liked the first and moderately enjoyed the second, you will have a good time with the third as a mindless and fun amusement park ride of a movie. (3 out of 5)

Friday in the News: When drug dealers in Brixton, South London, started burying their stashes underground to keep them safe from police, an unexpected problem emerged: Squirrels on Crack. The "crack squirrels," who also stash things underground, quickly get addicted and go looking for their next fix. One Brixton resident, who saw a squirrel rooting through her flowerbeds, reported that "its eyes looked bloodshot, but it kept on desperately digging...It seemed to know what it was looking for." (This story brought to you by the WWDTM daily calendar.)

Happy Birthday Wishes to Richard Frank Oznowicz. Frank Oz has acted and directed but may be best known for his work as a puppeteer. A staple of my childhood, Mr. Oz is responsible for characters such as Ms. Piggy, Fozzie the Bear, Cookie Monster, Grover and greatest of all, Jedi Master Yoda. He also directed the classic film What About Bob? Mr. Oz provided the voice of Yoda in all five of the Star Wars films that featured him as a character. Want a free small (7 oz) yogurt? Give us the name of the person who provided the voice of Yoda in the radio dramatizations of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

F.Y.I. Today is the 30th anniversary of the debut of Star Wars in the movie theaters. In its first weekend, it grossed 1.5 million dollars on 43 screens. It would go on to make 775 million dollars and become one of the most beloved franchises of all time. At lease it was until Lucas set out to ruin his own legacy, but that is a different story all together.


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