Down the Drain

Yogurt Flavors: Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Coffee Royal, Butterscotch, Lemon and Angel Food Cake.

Today is Teach Day! All teachers can get a small yogurt for only 99 cents all day long.

Bagels, English Muffins and Pita have arrived! We have all varieties on hand (Blueberry, Sweet Wheat, Cinnamon, Onion, White and Perfect 10). Come and get yours today. Perfect for Weight Watchers®!

The new calendar is available in the store right now. If you are on the mailing list, you will get the monthly mailer in the next two days. As always, I will post the calendar on the blog on the first non-Sunday day of the month.

One of the things that I am sure that Rick in Stacy probably hear off and on is people commenting to them how cool it would be to own your own business. I can understand where they are coming from in regards to the dream of being master of your domain; however, lost in translation of that American dream is the reality of days like today.

Most people don't have to worry about coming into work and having the drains back up on them as the grease trap man clears out the catch. Most people don't have to grab a mop and help to fight back the waters. Owning your own business may be cooling in some aspects, but it is also very different and can be more of a hassle. The cool thing about a small business though is the teamwork that it promotes.

The good news is that after 1 and 1/2 hour, we seem to have broken through the clog in the line.

I hope that everyone like the new lay out. I figured that it was time to figure out the new blogger yesterday and this was a happy by-product of that time. It's all done cut and paste now and that makes it easier for a quick change.


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