What's The Deal?

Yogurt Flavors: Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Coffee Royal, Chocolate Mint, Very Berry and Peach.

This weekend we have our Crème Pies on sale for $14.99. You still have time to call and order one for Saturday. 972.644.2000. We will also have some walk-in pies available. Order or come in early to make sure that you get a crème pie.

There is something interesting about human nature. It seems that you can make normal sane people go temporarily crazy by offering bargains on everyday items like toilet paper and paper towels. I got to experience this first hand yesterday when I went to Albertsons to get a few items for the store and walked into the firestorm of their eight hour sale.

It should have been a clue that I was in for something crazy when there were only 5 carts left at the front of the store. Sufficient to say, it was a whirlwind of activity with everyone from young to old throwing things into their carts and dashing from sale item to sale item. I'm pretty sure that a fist fight was about to brake out between and old man and a young mother over the last package of Bounty Paper towels when I left them. It was like being in an episode of the Twilight Zone.

Friday In The News: (New Daily Calendar=New Theme) In 2003, residents of Lardal, Norway, reported seeing a strange glowing burst of energy in the sky. Investigators later concluded that the alleged UFO was an electrocuted cat. After finding the charred body of a cat at the foot of a high-tension power line, experts came to the conclusion that the unlucky cat climbed up the mast, touched a live wire, and exploded. Thus, it used all nine lives. (This fact brought to you by Wait, Wait...Don't Tell Me! Calendar.-Here after know as WWDTM.)

Happy Birthday wishes to Wayne Douglas Gretzky. Mr. Gretzky is arguably the greatest hockey player ever and holds 40 regular season records and 15 playoff records. He is the only player in the NHL to have his number retired across the league. Want a free small yogurt? Give us the name of the team that Wayne Gretzky currently coaches and the number of points that they have as of today.


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