Everybody's working for the weekend

The weekend is upon us once again. It looks like the summer weather is also upon us. This is going to be a weekend with a little heat (97-Today, 95-Saturday, 93-Sunday) with no rain. This is great weather for a frozen yogurt from Sugarless deLite.

The Yogurt Flavors: Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, Vanilla Malt, Toffee Nut, Banana Cheesecake and Very Berry.

The Galaxy Granola has arrived! This granola is available in Cinnamon and Vanilla, has no sugar, has organic ingredients, is high fiber (6g) and low in calories (87). The 1/2 cup serving is only one point for Weight Watchers®. Come in and try a sample today.

Friday Fun Fact: According to the 2004 figures published by the World Bank, Norway has the number one per capita income at $38,730. Number two is Switzerland at $36,170 and number three is the United States of America at $35,400. Three countries tie for last place out of 141 countries overall: Burundi, Republic of Congo, and Ethiopia-where the average per capita income is roughly $100 per year. (This fact brought to you by the Fact or Crap daily calendar.)

Happy Birthday wishes go to Peter Dennis Blandford Townshend of The Who. Want a free mini (4oz) yogurt today? (Limit one per person.) Tell us, in person, what animated film Mr. Townshend co-produced.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday and a great start to there weekend.


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