Happy Birthday Jackie Chan!

Jackie Chan is 52 and still kicking butt! You Rule!

Our yogurt flavors today: Chocolate Decadence, World Class Vanilla, German Chocolate Cake, Cappuccino, Orange Vanilla and Blueberry Cheesecake. Shake suggestion: Orange Vanilla, because it tastes like a Dreamsicle. Yum!

Since it is the first week of the baseball season, I thought that it would only be appropriate to have this week's fact related to the element of the game that wins championships...Pitching.

Fun Fact: When a Major League pitcher throws a baseball at 95 mph, it takes only four tenths of a second for it to travel the 60 feet 6 inches from the mound to the plate. The batter must decide what kind of pitch is thrown and whether he should swing by the time the ball has traveled 30 feet. From that point, the ball will arrive at the plate a quarter of a second later. (This fact brought to you by the Fact or Crap daily calendar.)

Don't forget that this weekend we not only have our Apple and Cherry pies available at $12.99, but also our Creme pies are available at the special price of $12.99 (all pies are regularly $19.99). If you would like one or two for your weekend plans, call us at 972.644.2000. We will be happy to have a fresh baked pie ready for you tomorrow.


SerenitySprings said…
On a happy note, I share a birthday with not only CHRISTOPHER ECCLESTON and LEVAR BURTON but low & behold, KIM JONG IL!

He ain't ronery anymore!

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