Cowboy Contest is On... Game is Thursday Night
Labor Day Sugarless deLite will be here on Monday,September 5 th from Noon to 6pm. Come on in for a refreshing yogurt or order an apple pie to enjoy all weekend long. Cowboy Contest 23 was the winning number vs. the Viking and we had a Yogurt Card Winner. The Cowboy Game is Thursday and it is now time to predict the Cowboys point total for the game. Prediction must be in by 6pm on Thursday,September 1 st and be posted on our Facebook page or e-mailed to before Kickoff.Winners will receive a $ 10 Yogurt card. Normal rules apply.Limit one entry per person.Good Luck Today's Flavors German Chocolate Cake,Lemon,Chocolate Decadence, and World Class Vanilla Blog Special Cones are 99 cents all day. Limit 1